
The goal of EasyCo is to provide an easy way of Configuration using yaml files for Python programs. It can automatically create a default configuration from provided default values and will validate the provided data.


Just derive a class from ConfigContainer or ConfigFile. On Instantiation all class variables with type-hints are used. If you want more control over validators, default values or even add a description as a comment to the generated file use ConfigEntry.


Simple Example

Program code

from EasyCo import ConfigFile, ConfigContainer

class MyContainer(ConfigContainer):
    SubValueA: int
    SubValueB: int = 7

class MyConfigFile(ConfigFile):
    ConfValueA: int = 5
    ConfValueB: float = 5.5

    sub_values = MyContainer()

cfg = MyConfigFile('test')

Created .yml file:

confvaluea: 5
confvalueb: 5.5
  subvalueb: 7

AutoComplete in the IDE does work, too!


Accessing the loaded values is very easy:

if cfg.ConfValueA == 'ValueA':

Example ConfigEntry

Program code

from EasyCo import ConfigFile, ConfigContainer, ConfigEntry

class MyContainer(ConfigContainer):
    SubValueA: int = ConfigEntry(required=True, default=5, description='This is SubValueA')
    SubValueB: int = 7

class MyConfigFile(ConfigFile):
    ConfValueA: int = 5
    ConfValueB: float = 5.5

    sub_values = MyContainer()

cfg = MyConfigFile('test')

Created .yml file:

confvaluea: 5
confvalueb: 5.5
  subvaluea: 5  # This is SubValueA
  subvalueb: 7

Skipping Values

Use the SKIP value to define variables but prevent them from being processed. You can then set them in on_all_values_set or whenever you like


from EasyCo import ConfigContainer, ConfigEntry, SKIP

class MyContainer(ConfigContainer):
    ValueA: int = 5      # this one will be loaded from the file
    ValueB: int = SKIP   # this one will be ignored

    # override this function, it will be called when all values have been set
    def on_all_values_set(self):
        self.ValueB = self.ValueA + 5